Authorized Sellers

Avoid Ticket Scams


Tickets sold by resellers or brokers, including many online websites, often add substantial service fees and/or markup to the original price, resulting in prices that are significantly higher than face value. In California, it is legal to resell legitimate tickets — even at a higher price than the face value of the ticket. When you purchase your tickets from anyone other than the Clark Center Box Office or our authorized sellers, the Clark Center cannot vouch for the seller's credibility or the ticket's authenticity.


The most reliable way to purchase legitimate tickets at face value is to always begin your search on our website at

From time to time, the Clark Center does release tickets to authorized sellers for sale to the public. A list of the current sites authorized to sell on behalf of the Clark Center is provided below:

Partners who rent the Clark Center to present events may also be authorized to sell tickets. These authorized sellers are listed on the webpage for the specific event at under the Pricing section.

When in doubt, contact the Clark Center Box Office at 805-489-9444 to check on the status of a seller before purchasing tickets. The Box Office cannot assist with orders from third-party sellers who are not authorized once the tickets are purchased.


Since the Clark Center does not control sales by outside vendors, issues with tickets purchased from a source other than the Clark Center Box Office or our authorized sellers must be directed to the vendor where the ticket was purchased.

In the case of an event postponement or cancellation, the Clark Center provides details regarding rescheduled dates or refund availability only for tickets purchased from the Clark Center Box Office or authorized sellers.


The Clark Center Box Office provides you with the highest level of customer service by phone at 805-489-9444, in person at 487 Fair Oaks Ave in Arroyo Grande, or online at If you purchase tickets from another source, you are not buying your ticket directly from the Clark Center.