Behind Barbed Wire Committee Presents
Behind Barbed Wire
A Glimpse at Central Coast Japanese American Life During WWII
In 1942, a few weeks prior to graduation, nearly 45% of the Arroyo Grande High School Graduating Class were bussed with their Japanese-American families to isolated internment camps. Historian Jim Gregory (author of World War II Arroyo Grande), composer Deon Nielsen Price (Behind Barbed Wire), and conductor Brian Alhadeff (OperaSLO Grand Orchestra), are pleased to present a commemoration of that tumultuous time.
With a live orchestra and a big band, guest performers, video, poetry, swing music of the 1940’s and narration, this special production shares this region’s local heritage of sacrifice, friendship, patriotism, hard work, and community solidarity.
- Darryl Taylor, Countertenor
- Chika Inoue, Saxophone
- Mary Au, Piano
- Friendly Neighborhood Big Band; Mitch Latting, Director
- Opera San Luis Obispo Grand Orchestra
- Narration by Jim Gregory, People of Honor
- Video Editing by Highlight Media – Christina Bearce
- Musical Compositions by Deon Nielsen Price
- Brian Asher Alhadeff, Music Director and Conductor
- Justine Prado Manro, Stage Director
Sponsored by:
- Culver Crest Publications
- Michael and Kelly Osumi Family
- South County Historical Society
- Hayashi Family Farms
- Opera San Luis Obispo
- Clark Center for the Performing Arts
- Wilson Oral Surgery
- Mechanics Bank
- Mullahey Ford
- Tara Mochizuki and Jeffrey Chu
- Terrence Sadowski
- Fluid Resource Management
- Cloacina, Inc.
- Ikeda Bros and Ikeda Family
Additional sponsors to help cover the production expenses are welcome and needed.
To make a tax-deductible donation:
- By check: Write your check to Opera San Luis Obispo, mark it Behind Barbed Wire, and mail to P.O. Box 14760, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
- Online: Click here to donate by PayPal or Credit Card. Be sure to change "General Operations" to "Behind Barbed Wire - 2025" when donating.
Jim Gregory on internment of AGHS High School students
The Music of Behind Barbed Wire - Composer Dr. Deon Nielsen Price
Event Posters
Creative Team